Modern Strategy Execution is typically defined by an organization's ability to overcome the three Cs, which I am sure will hold weight with you as you read this:
Overcoming these hurdles doesn't have to be a misguided endeavour.
These are the statistics you and your organisation need to be aware of when it comes to successful strategy deployment, management and execution.
To continue learning about strategic capabilities and the factors impacting your Strategy Execution success, take your pick from the resources below:
Deborah Biscomb is i-nexus’ Head of Marketing. Deborah has wide-ranging experience of markets such as retail, manufacturing, financial services, public sector, telecommunications, energy and utilities, distribution and logistics. As Head of Marketing, her drive is to raise awareness and understanding of the challenges facing enterprises in controlling their strategy and driving superior results.
If you’d like to talk more about Strategy Execution, reach out to her on or connect with Deborah on LinkedIn for the latest Strategy Execution insights.